
POLITICO Playbook: Three important developments in the last 18 hours - Politico

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THREE IMPORTANT THINGS HAPPENED IN THE LAST 18 HOURS … PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP fired the inspector general for the intelligence community.

NATASHA BERTRAND and ANDREW DESIDERIO: MICHAEL ATKINSON, the IG, “was the first to sound the alarm to Congress last September about an ‘urgent’ complaint he received from an intelligence official involving Trump’s communications with Ukraine’s president.

“Atkinson's decision set in motion the congressional probe that culminated in Trump's impeachment and ultimate acquittal in a bruising political and legal drama that consumed Washington for months.” POLITICOThe letter Trump sent to Capitol Hill

-- NYT’S MAGGIE HABERMAN, CHARLIE SAVAGE and NICK FANDOS: “The president has long discussed his desire to fire several inspectors general, and he has been talking to aides about his desire to oust Mr. Atkinson since last fall, tarring the inspector general as disloyal because he sought to share information with Congress about the president’s efforts to pressure Ukraine into delivering him personal political benefits.

“Mr. Atkinson’s fate was sealed after the trial on impeachment charges ended, said one Trump administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a delicate matter.” NYT

… JOE BIDEN said during a virtual fundraiser that he will be announcing a committee that will oversee his VP selection process “sometime in the middle of the month.” He said that he has discussed the process with BARACK OBAMA. (This is all via pooler Sabrina Siddiqui of the WSJ)

-- BIDEN: “[O]ne of the ways to deal with age is to build a bench -- to build a bench of younger, really qualified people who haven’t had the exposure that others have had but are fully capable of being the leaders of the next four, eight, 12, 16 years to run the country. But they’ve got to have an opportunity to rise up. … [I]’ve been talking privately with people like Tony [Blinken] and others, talking about individuals who we think might come in.”

SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI held a call with her leadership team and discussed her plans for future coronavirus-related legislation. She said she wants a CARES Act 2 -- a redux of the Phase Three legislation that TRUMP just signed into law. Infrastructure is officially delayed. PELOSI did not provide a timeframe for when Congress would consider this.

Good Saturday morning.

WHAT AMERICA IS READING … Arizona Republic: “Looking for virus in wastewater ASU research could lead to early warning system” … San Diego Union-Tribune: “NEW ORDER PROHIBITS SWIMMING, SURFING”Denver Post: Polis: All should wear masks”

GRIM … FT: “Global economy set for sharpest reversal since Great Depression,” by Chris Giles in London: “The coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns imposed by governments on both sides of the Atlantic have pushed the global economy into the sharpest downturn since the Great Depression, data released on Friday signalled. …

“The head of the IMF has warned that the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic would be worse than the 2008 financial crisis. ‘This is a crisis like no other,’ said Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the IMF, speaking at a conference organised by the World Health Organization on Friday. ‘Never in the history of the IMF have we witnessed the world economy coming to a standstill,’ she said. ‘It is way worse than the global financial crisis.’”

DISTRICT NEWS … WAPO: “Roughly 1 in every 7 D.C. residents could get infected with the novel coronavirus, according to projections Mayor Muriel E. Bowser cited Friday that show the pandemic hitting its peak in the nation’s capital early this summer and then gradually receding.”


-- ADAM CANCRYN, NANCY COOK and SUSANNAH LUTHI: “How Trump surprised his own team by ruling out Obamacare”

-- WAPO: “Inside the coronavirus testing failure: Alarm and dismay among the scientists who sought to help,” by Shawn Boburg, Robert O’Harrow Jr., Neena Satija and Amy Goldstein: “On a Jan. 15 conference call, a leading scientist at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention assured local and state public health officials from across the nation that there would soon be a test to detect a mysterious virus spreading from China. Stephen Lindstrom told them the threat was remote and they may not need the test his team was developing ‘unless the scope gets much larger than we anticipate,’ according to an email summarizing the call.

“‘We’re in good hands,’ a public health official who participated in the call wrote in the email to colleagues. Three weeks later, early on Feb. 8, one of the first CDC test kits arrived in a Federal Express package at a public health laboratory on the east side of Manhattan. By then, the virus had reached the United States, and the kits represented the government’s best hope for containing it while that was still possible.

“For hours, lab technicians struggled to verify that the test worked. Each time, it fell short, producing untrustworthy results. That night, they called their lab director, Jennifer Rakeman, an assistant commissioner in the New York City health department, to tell her it had failed. ‘Oh, s---,’ she replied. ‘What are we going to do now?’

“In the 21 days that followed, as Trump administration officials continued to rely on the flawed CDC test, many lab scientists eager to aid the faltering effort grew increasingly alarmed and exasperated by the federal government’s actions, according to previously unreported email messages and other documents reviewed by The Washington Post, as well as exclusive interviews with scientists and officials involved.”

-- 24 REPORTERS, TWO WRITERS … WSJ: “THE MONTH CORONAVIRUS FELLED AMERICAN BUSINESS: March began amid an 11-year expansion and ended with blue-chip companies begging for bailouts. Swift and sharp, the pandemic cut through the country’s commerce like nothing before it.”

WSJ'S MIKE BENDER and REBECCA BALLHAUS: "Trump Mobilizes the White House to Tackle Coronavirus but Adds to the ‘Fog of War’": "The government’s response has ramped up, even as the White House’s own routines are disrupted in ways large and small. About 75% of staff are working from home; some of the rest now wear masks to work. In the Oval Office, where officials usually crowd around the Resolute Desk, they now maintain their social distance.

"But some aides and other government officials say the president’s own actions at times have exacerbated the inevitable uncertainty and ad hoc planning. The president’s freewheeling leadership style—which has been on display in the hurly-burly of Washington politics throughout his 38 months in office -- is being tested at a moment of national crisis."

LAT: “39 million masks for hospitals never materialized. Federal officials are investigating,” by Adam Elmharek, Harrie Ryan and Ben Poston: “They had seemingly done the impossible. The union that represents healthcare workers in California announced it had arranged the purchase of 39 million N95 masks for hospitals and government agencies that badly need the protective equipment.

“Among the intended recipients was Kaiser Permanente, which placed orders for 6 million masks. A week later, none of those masks have materialized, and Kaiser is cooperating with a federal fraud investigation into the deal, a spokesman for the health plan confirmed.”

WHY YOU SHOULD WEAR A FACE MASK … BOSTON GLOBE: “[Harvard’s Joseph] Allen cited four reasons everyone should be wearing protective face coverings — even simple masks composed of cotton T-shirts — in public.

“Masks worn by the infected could act as a physical barrier to prevent dangerous droplets from being transmitted to others or falling on surfaces. … Homemade face coverings could substantially reduce the chance of a healthy person inhaling the virus from someone who is infected, he said.

“They serve as a physical reminder that people shouldn’t touch their eyes, nose, or mouth. … They also serve a social cue, reminding everyone that we’re living through a dangerous pandemic and that we should be keeping our distance from each other.”

NYT’S ELAINA PLOTTon Texas Gov. GREG ABBOTT: “As the coronavirus spreads across the United States, officials like Mr. Abbott, a Republican who was re-elected to a second term in 2018, have been forced to weigh the preventive value of wide-reaching public-health mandates against the economic cost they will inevitably wring. That debate is especially fraught in Texas, where increased calls for collective action find themselves at odds with an abiding ethos of ‘don’t tread on me.’”

PALM BEACH POST FRONT PAGE: “Public support for DeSantis takes a dip”

NOT A LOBBYIST BUT … BLOOMBERG: “[Eric] Cantor … played a role in helping his investment bank, Moelis & Co., score a key mandate this week in helping the U.S. Treasury Department dole out loans that are part of its historic rescue package, according to people familiar with the matter. He is working on the project alongside the firm’s Chief Executive Officer Ken Moelis, who once counted now President Donald Trump as a client.”

WSJ: “Anatomy of an Outbreak: How Coronavirus Swept Through JPMorgan’s Trading Floor,” by Rob Copeland and David Benoit: “An employee who wasn’t feeling well came to the office. JPMorgan traded more shares that Monday than any day in the bank’s history. The sick employee turned out to have Covid-19, and over the past three weeks, about 20 employees on a single floor at the bank’s headquarters have tested positive for the virus, with another 65 quarantined as a result.”

NYT’S LARA JAKES: “Ambassador Zero: A Virus’s Toll on U.S. Diplomats at Home and Abroad”

GREAT READ … MAUREEN DOWD on LARRY DAVID: “I found Larry David barricaded in his home in the Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles. ‘No one gets in here,’ America’s most famous misanthrope said. ‘Only in an emergency plumbing catastrophe would I open the door.’ I asked what he fears most and he replied: ‘Anarchy and a potential dental emergency — and not necessarily in that order.’ …

“When we speak about the president, Mr. David marveled, ‘You know, it’s an amazing thing. The man has not one redeeming quality. You could take some of the worst dictators in history and I’m sure that all of them, you could find one decent quality. Stalin could have had one decent quality, we don’t know!’” NYT

-- FOR STEVE SHEPARD: Maureen Dowd: “Michael Kay is a much better radio host than Mike Francesca ever was.” Larry David: “Confirm.”

CORONA CRIME … STAMFORD (Conn.) ADVOCATE: “Stamford police pursuing ‘Sorry bro, corona’ robber”: “After brandishing a gun and demanding money in the West Side bodega, police say the robber looked at the clerk and said, ‘Sorry bro, corona.’ He reportedly gave the employee a $20 bill out of the wad of cash he had just accepted and fled the store.”

THE PRESIDENT’S SATURDAY: THE PRESIDENT will speak with commissioners of sports leagues at noon, at the coronavirus task force will brief at 3:30 p.m.


WAPO: “White House scrambles to scoop up medical supplies worldwide, angering Canada, Germany,” by Jeanne Whalen, Loveday Morris, Tom Hamburger and Terrence McCoy: “The White House late Thursday ordered Minnesota mask manufacturer 3M to prioritize U.S. orders over foreign demand, using its authority under the Defense Production Act, or DPA, to try to ease critical shortages of N95 masks at U.S. hospitals.

“The Trump administration has asked 3M to stop exporting the masks to Canada and Latin America, and to import more from 3M’s factories in China, the company said Friday.

“At the same time, officials in Berlin expressed outrage over what they said was the diversion to the United States of 200,000 masks that were en route from China, while officials in Brazil and France complained that the United States was outbidding them in the global marketplace for critical medical supplies.”

-- STAR TRIBUNE front page: “3M says it’s becoming scapegoat on masks”

CRISTIANO LIMA: “Washington to Zoom: Welcome to the hot seat”

WSJ: “Saudi-Russia War of Words Delays Oil-Truce Talks,” by Benoit Faucon and Summer Said: “A 23-nation alliance led by Saudi Arabia and Russia was due to debate world-wide production cuts of 10 million barrels a day on Monday and had hoped to include the U.S. as the coronavirus outbreak continues to erode oil demand. But the virtual meeting has now been delayed after Saudi Arabia and Russia swapped barbs and the U.S. failed to outline production cuts of its own.

“After conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, President Donald Trump on Thursday tweeted that a truce could be worked out in the oil-price war between the Saudi Arabia and Russia. The president’s tweet sparked a record-breaking 25% climb in oil prices.

“But late Friday, Mr. Putin accused Riyadh of flooding the market to remove U.S. shale-oil producing competitors from the market. Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, a brother of Prince Mohammed, responded that the Russian allegation was ‘completely false.’

TALKER … TWEED ROOSEVELT in the NYT: “Captain Crozier Is a Hero: Theodore Roosevelt, my great-grandfather, would agree.”: “Captain Crozier joins a growing list of heroic men and women who have risked their careers over the last few weeks to speak out about life-threatening failures to treat the victims of this terrible pandemic. Many of them are doctors and nurses, and many of them, like Captain Crozier, have been punished. All of them deserve our deepest gratitude.

“In removing Captain Crozier, the Navy said that his letter was a gross error that could incite panic among his crew. But it’s hard to know what else he could have done — the situation on the Theodore Roosevelt was dire.” NYT

CLICKER -- “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker -- 18 keepers

GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Margy Slattery and the staff of POLITICO Magazine:

-- “Two Doctors Log Their Days Inside NYC Emergency Rooms,” in Slate: “A daily account of what they’re seeing, how they’re feeling, what gives them hope, and what makes them angry.” Slate

-- “Inside the Race to Develop a Coronavirus Vaccine,” by Samanth Subramanian in The Guardian: “Around the world, more than 40 teams are working on a vaccine for Covid-19. We followed one doctor in the most urgent quest of his life.” Guardian

-- “What Everyone’s Getting Wrong About the Toilet Paper Shortage,” by Will Oremus in Medium’s Marker: “It isn’t really about hoarding. And there isn’t an easy fix.” Marker

-- “Revive,” by Max Blau in The Atavist: “A fatal overdose, a stunning coincidence, and a mother’s long quest to heal.” Atavist

-- “A One-Time Poultry Farmer Invents the Future of Refrigeration,” by Nicola Twilley in Wired’s April issue: “Mechanical cooling revolutionized the global food supply—and accelerated global warming. Peter Dearman’s liquid air engine could change all that.” Wired

-- “The Voice Keepers,” by Laura Preston in The Believer’s April/May Issue: “In the recordings of the Voice-O-Graph, two collectors discover an intimate sonic history.” Believer

-- “The Frontier Couple Who Chose Death Over Life Apart,” by Eva Holland in Outside magazine: “Artist Eric Bealer was living the remote, rugged good life in coastal Alaska with his wife, Pam, an MS sufferer, when they made a dramatic decision: to exit this world together, leaving behind precise instructions for whoever entered their cabin first.” Outside

-- “An Oral History of the Nats’ First Year,” by Luke Mullins in Washingtonian’s April issue: “Ryan Zimmerman, Chad Cordero, Jim Bowden, the first Screech, and others remember the behind-the-scenes bloopers, mishaps, and live-to-tell-it tales from when baseball came back to town.” Washingtonian


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at [email protected].

VERY SAD … “Search for Kennedy family members missing in Chesapeake Bay has ‘turned from rescue to recovery,’” by WaPo’s Rachel Weiner, Peter Hermann and Dana Hedgpeth: “Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean, 40, and her 8-year-old son Gideon Joseph Kennedy McKean went missing near Annapolis on Thursday evening while the family had gathered at a waterfront house …

“Maeve McKean is executive director of the Georgetown University Global Health Initiative. She is a granddaughter of the late senator Robert F. Kennedy and grandniece of former president John F. Kennedy. … During the Obama administration, McKean worked in the State Department’s global AIDS program and on human rights in the Department of Health and Human Services.” WaPo

IN MEMORIAM -- “Anick Jesdanun, longtime AP technology writer, dies at 51,” by AP’s Ted Anthony: “Jesdanun, 51, deputy technology editor for The Associated Press, died in New York City on Thursday of coronavirus-related complications, his family said.

“For more than two decades, Jesdanun helped generations of readers understand the emerging internet and its impact on the world. And while his work may have been about screens and computers and virtual networks, Jesdanun’s large life was about the world and exploring all of the corners of it that he could, virtual and physical alike.” AP

BIRTHDAYS: Rep. Norma Torres (D-Calif.) is 55 ... Business Roundtable’s Molly Edwards ... NYT’s Jo Becker ... Rob Stutzman, founder and president of Stutzman Public Affairs ... Richard Starr … WaPo’s Joe Marks ... Kristin Bannerman ... Dell’s Hillary (Maxwell) Beightel ... Judith Czelusniak … Warren Ryan, senior policy adviser at Treasury … Dena Levitz ... Michael Halle ... retired Adm. Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA director, is 89 … Ryan Davis ... Caroline Campbell ... Charles Halloran (h/ts Jon Haber) ... former Sen. Mo Cowan (D-Mass.) is 51 … former Rep. William Clinger (R-Pa.) is 91 ... Jake Olson … Nicholas Hirst ... Jennifer Humphrey … Elizabeth Daigneau … POLITICO’s Katie Brennan and Mike Raburn … NATO is 71 ...

… Kitty Kelley is 78 … Bruce Wolpe is 69 … Nancy Pack Williamson, deputy COS for Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas) (h/ts Callie Strock and Mason Devers) … Jeffrey O. Ekoma … Michael Merola of Winning Strategies Washington … Meg Thurlow, director at GE … Tatia Rosenthal … Kevin Bingle ... National Media’s Melissa Sharp ... Molly Mitchell, director at Hamilton Place Strategies ... Alexandra Farrand ... Lindsay Gruskay ... Teddy Himler, VP at SoftBank Group, is 31 ... Bridget Spurlock ... Daisy Melamed Sanders ... AT&T’s Neil Giacobbi ... NBC’s Joy Wang ... Darienne Page of Lyft government relations ... Dan Hauser ... Jerry Irvine ... David Johnston … Michael Forbes Wilcox ... Joe Ricca ... Alfred Stanley ... Katreice Banks … Allan Lichtman is 73

THE SHOWS, by Matt Mackowiak, filing from Austin:

-- NBC’s “Meet the Press”: Surgeon General Jerome Adams … Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson… Italian PM Giuseppe Conte … Michael Lewis. Panel: Helene Cooper, Kasie Hunt and Pat McCrory.

-- ABC’s “This Week”: Defense Secretary Mark Esper … Joe Biden … Jennifer Ashton and Tom Bossert … Homer Venters and Topeka K. Sam … Chris Christie and Rahm Emanuel.

-- CNN’s “State of the Union”: Defense Secretary Mark Esper … Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards … Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker … Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.).

-- CBS’ “Face the Nation”: Anthony Fauci … Scott Gottlieb … Michael Dowling … Luana Marques … James Bullard.

-- “Fox News Sunday”: Surgeon General Jerome Adams … Bill Gates … Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Panel: Jason Chaffetz, Jane Harman and Guy Benson.

-- CNN’s “Inside Politics”: Ashish Jah … Megan Ranney … Mark Zandi … Christine Romans … Maggie Haberman … David Gergen … Craig Fugate.

-- MSNBC’s “Kasie DC”: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) … Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) … Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.) … Ray Mabus … Dennis Carroll … Ashley Parker … Jonathan Swan … Jonathan Lemire … Sarah Kliff … Alexis Madrigal.

-- Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures”: Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) … FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn … Rudy Giuliani … Steve Bannon … Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.).

-- Gray TV’s “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren”: VP Mike Pence … Rachel Roubein.

-- Sinclair’s “America This Week with Eric Bolling”: Deborah Birx … Mark Cuban … Thomas Keller … Dave Campbell and Dena Grayson. Panel: Sebastian Gorka and Ameshia Cross.

-- Fox News’ “MediaBuzz”: Kristen Soltis Anderson … Gayle Trotter … Ray Suarez … Kat Timpf … Liz Claman … Cathy Areu.

-- CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS”: Ian Bremmer, Paul Krugman and Zanny Minton Beddoes … Valerie Hopkins and Michael Ignatieff … Barkha Dutt.

-- CNN’s “Reliable Sources”: Zoom CEO Eric Yuan … Marty Baron … Gregg Gonsalves and Nisha Mehta … Susan Glasser and Oliver Darcy … Maria Shriver.

-- Univision’s “Al Punto”: Marcos Melendez … Diana Torres and Ramona Moll … Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.) … Elmer Huerta … Julio Frenk.

-- C-SPAN: “The Communicators”: Brewster Kahle … “Q&A”: Anthony Fauci.

-- “Mack on Politics” weekly politics podcast with Matt Mackowiak (download on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify or Stitcher): Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.).

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