
Hypothermia Can Occur Under Various Conditions - Oneida Dispatch

Earlier this winter during frigid weather when the wind chill temperatures hovered at minus 15, It reminded me of the stories of the Yukon by Robert Service that I faithfully read when I was young. In those stories such as “To Build A Fire” or “The Cremation of Sam McGee” men ended up freezing to death. Today people die of hypothermia.

But during the relatively mild weather we have experienced in early January, or some days in February, few people think about this danger. .But early this fall during muzzleloading season a close friend of mine became lost, and was caught in the rain without proper gear. The combination of cold and wet conditions meant that he was losing body heat and was on the verge of hypothermia when he emerged to safety. Throughout
the late fall and winter Forest Rangers or ECOs rescued many hikers who were injured and were in danger of hypothermia before that were rescued and brought to safety.

Hypothermia does not only occur when people are stranded in remote area under extremely frigid conditions. In fact, hypothermia occurs most frequently at temperatures of 32 – 50 degrees. It presents a danger to hunters, ice fishermen, skiers, hikers, or anyone who fails to take precautions and use common sense.

It is a very real danger to hikers who overestimate their ability or underestimate the elements. Hunters or others who get lost or stray too deep into the woods without being properly prepared are vulnerable. Improper clothing, over-exertion and perspiration, accidentally getting wet, or unexpected changes in the weather all hold potential for disaster.

At this time of year it is a common danger to hikers who are hiking the Adirondacks and slip and are injured. Trying to cross streams swollen by rain or melting snow are a threat in several ways, including slipping and getting wet in the marginal conditions.

Falling through unsafe ice is also a danger to hikers or other backcountry enthusiasts. But even improper clothing or over-exertion can put you in danger in this weather.

Hypothermia is simply the loss of body heat faster than the body can produce heat, until the core body temperature has dropped below 80 degrees, at which time death occurs. Cold temperatures are aggravated by wetness, wind, and exhaustion.

Proper preparation includes having the type of clothing so that you can dress for the varying conditions that you may meet, considering both moisture and temperature.

Clothing should be layered, so that it can be removed for heavy activity, or added to for
light activity.

Don’t wait until you start to sweat before you start removing layers. By that time, inner layers are wet, and evaporation can turn your moist under wear into a refrigeration unit. When you stop activity, add a layer before you start to chill.

Wear proper clothing. Cotton and blue jeans are just not suitable cold weather equipment because cotton speeds the cooling process by acting as a wick to draw off heat. Wool, on the other hand, retains heat even when wet. New synthetics such as polypropylene, thermax, etc. all have the ability to keep you warm yet are light in weight.

Your energy comes from foods you eat, so take along enough to fully recover your needs. Carbohydrates are quick energy foods. The good old peanut butter sandwich or chocolate bar are good to take along as energy rations to heat you up on a cold day.

Drink proper liquids to keep your body fluids up. Coffee acts as a diuretic so it does not replenish lost fluids. Contrary to popular opinion, alcohol does not “warm you up.”

Alcohol slows down the circulation of blood and thus tends to cool down the body.

Early detection of symptoms is important in preventing hypothermia. As a victim slips into the first stage, his thinking becomes dull. It is easy not to recognize these symptoms in yourself. People in a group should be alert for these symptoms in others.

Early symptoms include exhaustion and an inability to go on, even after resting.

There is often drowsiness, lapses of memory, slurred slow speech, and stumbling when trying to proceed.
At first the extremities like hands and feet feel the cold. Then the body makes involuntary adjustments to preserve temperature in vital organs by intense shivering. As body temperature continues to drop, the shivering becomes violent, slurred speech develops, and there is drowsiness and fumbling hands.

If there is not treatment, when the body temperature drops between 90 and 86 degrees, there will be muscular rigidity, irrationality, and stupor. Finally unconsciousness and death will result.

If symptoms occur, get the victim out of the wind and wet, into dry clothes, feed warm drinks and high energy foods. If possible build a fire or put the victim into a sleeping bag with skin-to-skin contact with a “heat donor.”

Naturally the best solution is prevention of the conditions that can lead to hypothermia. Wear proper clothing and carry extra clothing, matches, and emergency like a space blanket. Eat and drink properly and carry emergency rations.

Pay close attention to weather conditions, don’t get lost, and do not push yourself beyond your ability. Avoid getting wet from perspiration, rain, or falling through ice.

Tumbling into a shallow stream in late spring can be unpleasant; in winter it can be fatal.

Hypothermia is known as the killer of the unprepared. With a little preparation and common sense your outing can be a safe and pleasant one.


Oneida & Madison County 12th Annual Youth Turkey Hunt

The Sportsmen of Oneida County the, Affiliated Conservation Clubs of Madison Co. and the Madison County NWTF are teaming up with the assistance of Environmental Conservation Officers from Region 6 and 7 and other sportsmen and sportswomen to give youngsters a great experience during the Youth Turkey Hunting Weekend, April 23 and 24 , 2022. Youngsters eligible for the youth hunt and who do not have the opportunity to learn from, or hunt with a family member or an adult mentor will have the opportunity to go turkey hunting with a mentor.

On April 9 , 2022, prior to the hunt, youngsters will learn from experienced mentors the basics of turkey hunting and practice their marksmanship at a shooting range under the supervision of certified instructors.
Interested youth can sign up or get the application for the hunt at the web site They must sign up by April 1 , 2022. They can email the application to or by mail to the address below. Any questions call 315-225-0192.

Youth Turkey Hunt, C/O Mr. Scott Faulkner, 3720 Gifford Rd, Vernon Center, NY 13477

Sportsmen’s Mentor Program to hold Women’s Turkey Hunt

The Federated Sportsmen’s Clubs of Oneida County Inc., and Madison County Affiliated Conservation Clubs, local National Wild Turkey Organization, in conjunction with NYS DEC Police Region 6 and 7, are looking at trying hold a women hunt during the regular turkey season. Women who sign up will have the opportunity to go turkey hunting with a mentor.

Some women may want to learn or participate in turkey hunting but do not have family members or someone who are experienced turkey hunters. The Sportsmen’s mentors will provide this opportunity. During the weekend of April 9 , 2022, prior to the hunt, women will learn from experienced mentors the basics of turkey hunting and practice their marksmanship at a shooting range under the supervision of certified instructors.

Women who are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity will need to have completed their hunter safety course by that date. You can sign up or get the application for the hunt at our web site www.cnymyhunts.orgn by April 1 , 2022. You can email the application to or by mail to the address below. Any questions please call 315-225-0192. Women Turkey Hunt, C/O Mr. Scott Faulkner, 3720 Gifford Rd, Vernon Center, NY 13477, Phone 315-225-0192

Youth Conservation Camps

Registration for Youth Conservattion Camps has been postponed until April 10th .

For information on scholarship by sponsors, contact the CNY Chapter of the Ruffed Groupse Society, The NYS Outdoor Writers Association, or other sporting groups.

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March 09, 2022 at 11:34PM

Hypothermia Can Occur Under Various Conditions - Oneida Dispatch
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